
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Happy Birthday, Mom!

My mom's birthday is on Tuesday (same as our grandson, Andrew) and this is the card I made her. I'll be seeing her today.

Kind of hard to tell in the picture, but the image panel is a soft pink (Pink Pirouette from Stampin' Up!) I stamped with Versamark and embossed with Detail White Embossing powder. I colored with Tim Holtz Distress markers, embossed with a Swiss Dots Cuttlebug folder, and added Stickles to the flower. I matted with Riding Hood Red, also from Stampin' Up! The patterned paper is from Recollections and is matted with the same red. The sentiment is from Papertrey Ink and is inked with the same green Tim Holtz marker. The rose is from an Inkadinkado set.

Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope you'll come back and visit again soon!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Happy Fourth Birthday, Andrew!

Can you believe it - our oldest grandson, Andrew, will be FOUR next week! How is that even possible?

He has decided he is going to be Superman for Halloween, and so I've made him this card for his birthday. I used an image I found on-line.I cut the image out and popped it up on foam squares. The ovals were cut with Nestabilities. The patterned paper is from Die Cuts With a View and the matting cardstock is Riding Hood Red from Stampin' Up!. 

Edited to add: The inside says "Hope you have a SUPER birthday!")
Note to Sharon G: Thanks so much for the nice comment. I just searched for "Superman images" and found this one that I liked the best. If you write to me, I can send it to you. LJNeus @ hotmail . com - without the spaces.

Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope you'll come back and visit again soon!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Flutter By Wednesday #207

Time for a new Flutter By Wednesday challenge - #207. Please check out the details and the cool cards by the design team on Danni's Flutter By Wednesday challenge blog!

This is a "card parts" card. I had brayered left-over navy blue ink onto some ivory cardstock and it was sitting on my table. I liked the texture of the color, so I had kept it. The black piece at the top of the ivory/navy panel was on my table, too. I stamped the swirl (from Tattered Angels) with Night of Navy ink from Stampin' Up!. Then I stamped the sentiment (from Hero Arts) with black ink. The butterfly is punched with a Martha Stewart punch from shimmery navy paper. A note about the swirl stamp: This is the stamp I used for the wedding card that I couldn't post because I deleted it from the camera accidentally. I think I stamped it three times for that card before I realized that I wasn't doing a poor job of stamping - the stamp is just "distressed" and is "missing" parts! The card base is ivory.

Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope you'll come back and visit again soon!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Welcome, Baby Girl!

Even though I had already made and given a card to my niece at her baby shower, I made her another when we got to go visit her and meet the new little one.

I love this Baby stamp from Repeat Impressions. I paperpieced her jammies and colored the rest of her with markers. I mounted the image panel on Pop Dots. The patterned paper is from Recollections and the sentiment is from Repeat Impressions.

Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope you'll come back and visit again soon!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Sympathy Daisies

The mother of a friend passed away recently, and this is the card I sent her.

I stamped the daisies (from Inkadinkado) onto Baja Breeze cardstock (from Stampin' Up!). I "colored" the daisies with bleach to make them white and colored the leaves and flower centers with markers. I added Star Dust Stickles to the flower centers. I rounded the bottom corners on the image panel, the black matting, and the card front. The sentiment is from Hero Arts. I added a couple scored lines with my Scor-Pal.

Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope you'll come back and visit again soon!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Christmas Sunday - Embossed Embossing

This needs to be one of my quickest posts ever! Not like you can tell, but it's after midnight on Saturday night and I want to get to bed. But here goes:)

I made this card for a challenge on my stamping group. The challenge was to make an embossed embossing card. I embossed the snowflakes with a Cuttlebug folder and textured, white-core light blue cardstock. I sanded down the embossing to reveal the white. Then I brayered Versamark over the embossing and embossed with clear embossing powder. I punched a few darker blue snowflakes and added them, with pearl centers. The sentiment is a dollar stamp from Michael's from a few years ago, embossed with white embossing powder. I matted with the same darker blue as the snowflakes.
I'm linking this card up to the Christmas Card Challenge blog.

Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope you'll come back and visit again soon!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Happy Anniversary Harriet and Bruce!

Last Thursday was my friend Harriet's anniversary. I sent her card a bit late, but it finally arrived so I can post it here. Hope you had a great day, Harriet!

I figured for a fellow Flutter By Wednesday team member, I would use a butterfly:) The swirly stamp for the background and the butterfly are both from a set by Hampton Arts. I used Memento London Fog ink for the background. I paper-pieced the butterfly using Papertrey Ink cardstock and added Stardust Stickles to it. I placed it on an oval cut with Nestabilities and mounted on foam squares. The sentiment is from PSX.

Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope you'll come back and visit again soon!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Flutter By Wednesday #206

Wednesday brings a new challenge from Danni's Flutter By Wednesday. The challenge this week is this sketch by Kathy. Check out the blog for the details and to see the creations by the design team.

Here is the sketch. I used Cuttlebug border folders for my "strips" and used my Scor-Pal to score lines between the folders. I embossed the butterfly (from Hampton Art) with white embossing powder on shimmery white paper. I colored with Stampin' Up! markers and then wiped off the embossing with a tissue. I matted with white cardstock and mounted on Pop Dots. I added tiny pearls to the corners. I added the ribbons and then the bow. We'd love to have you join us this week.

Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope you'll come back and visit again soon!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

What's Been Going On With Us - Just a Little Chit-Chat

I have no card to share today, but I thought I'd just briefly share what's been going on in my life.

The weekend before last we went camping with friends. We go every year at this time. I'd love to camp more, but there just doesn't seem to be time. We still tent camp, and I'm very happy with that. How about a picture of our "home" for the weekend.

It was actually pretty chilly the first night, but a beautiful sunny weekend without a drop of rain. Unheard of with camping with this group!

Thursday we made an offer on a townhouse and it was accepted by the sellers on Thursday night. However, it's a short sale, so now it's in the banks' (two mortgages) hands and we won't find out if they accept it for several months yet. We're trying not to get too excited since it's not a for-sure thing, but we're keeping our fingers crossed. It's really everything we've dreamed of and more. (We haven't had huge dreams - just things like a whirlpool and room for guests, etc.) When/if the offer is accepted by the bank, we will have thirty days until we close. We'll list our house at that time and hopefully it will sell FAST!!

Saturday morning on our walk, we noticed at the end of someone's driveway were two teak bookcases with a "FREE" sign on them. My stamping table (our old dining room table) is teak and I will need shelves for my new stamping room - assuming we get the new house. So, after our walk, we hooked up the trailer and went to pick them up. Sunday, after doing lots of other work, I unloaded my old shelves, put one of the new ones in my stamping area, and got it organized. The second one will not fit very well in my current space, so it will stay in the laundry room or shed until we move. Here is what it looks like:
Today is our daughter's 37th birthday. Amazing! She and her family will be here for a visit soon - arriving on Friday. That will be great. Our grandson, Andrew, will be four in a couple weeks, too. Time sure flies!

Plus, I still babysit our grandson, Owen, every day. How lucky can I be! He is such a sweetie and so good and so smart. Gee, could I possibly be a grandma speaking! LOL!

I did take some time for stamping yesterday, though. I finished up my 2013 calendar for July. The pieces had all been prepared quite a long time ago and I finally got them all glued together. I also worked on the August page, and got that almost finished up, too. Then I'll get September done and I'll be caught up on them. Hopefully, I'll work ahead and get them finished up by maybe the end of October.

Anyone still reading this far??? :) I have cards ready to share with you for at least a few days coming up. Thanks so much for sticking with me.

Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope you'll come back and visit again soon!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Elegant Birthday

I made a wedding card on Saturday (for the wedding later that day!), took pictures of it, and then on Sunday morning I accidentally deleted them. (I was cleaning off the memory card, and I just automatically deleted all the uncropped card pictures, because those are the ones I don't need. Oops, I hadn't cropped them yet!) That didn't make me happy, as I liked the card and also because I finally had something to post. Oh well, worse things could happen, for sure!!

After a very busy Sunday, I made this card last evening. The die-cut matting was sitting on my desk, along with the square of silver for it. So, I just needed to cut a white square for on top of the silver and stamp something on it. Both stamps I used are from Technique Tuesday. I stamped the swirl with Memories Soft Silver and the sentiment with black. I added some red gems and mounted on Pop Dots. The patterned paper is from The Paper Studio and is matted with silver and black.

Gosh, we've had lots going on! I think maybe tomorrow I'll do a personal post, telling what we've been up to and why I haven't had any time to stamp. Sure was fun to have some time last night, though. Shoot - when I went to publish this post, I found out that I DID have a card to share yesterday for Christmas Sunday! I guess you'll get it next week, instead.

Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope you'll come back and visit again soon!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Flutter By Wednesday - Favorite Color

This week's Flutter By Wednesday challenge is to use your favorite color. We are sponsored this week by Paper Makeup Stamps. Please visit the Flutter By Wednesday blog for the challenge details and to see what Danni's great team has created. We'd love to have you join us! One lucky participant will receive a $15 gift certificate from PMS.

We on the design team were given the opportunity to choose a Paper Makeup digital image to use on our card. I chose Sprout, found here. I think you can tell that my favorite color is green:) I printed out the image and colored with Copics. I also added some Star Dust Stickles to her wing. I cut her out with a Blossom Nestability. The patterned paper is from a Recollections matstack. The sentiment is from a Fiskars stamp set.

Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope you'll come back and visit again soon!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Christmas Sunday

A short post for today. I have the cards done, but don't have much time for writing. These  cards both use images from the same Paper Inspirations set that I used last week. My goal was to use all of the images. I'm close, but I'm not sure I'll end up using them all.

This first one uses the mistletoe image. I colored with Copics. I matted the image with white and matted with Pop Dots. I used Star Dust Stickles for the berries. (I've heard they're white, but have never actually checked that out!) The background is embossed with a Cuttlebug folder.
I used the bow image for this card. I colored with a Tombow marker and spritzed with a glittery spray. I mounted on foam squares. I scored a couple lines on the green layer with my Scor-Pal. I punched the border with a Martha Stewart border punch. The patterned paper is from a Recollection matstack.

I'm linking this up to the Christmas Card Challenge blog.

Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope you'll come back and visit again soon!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Thinking of You

A simple "thinking of you" card for today.

The stamps are from a Fiskars set. I colored the stamps themselves with Tombow markers, then colored in the larger flowers with a marker after stamping. The butterflies were punched with a Martha Stewart punch out of sparkly cardstock. I added the antennae with markers and also pearls to the bodies. I added pearls to the larger flower centers too.

Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope you'll come back and visit again soon!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Flutter By Wednesday - Birthday

Thank you all for fluttering with us last week at Flutter By Wednesday! Now it's time for a new challenge. This week's challenge is to make a birthday card and of course include a butterfly or fairy on your card. You can find the details and the creations by the Danni's design team on the Flutter By Wednesday blog.

For my card, I started with a digital image from Tiddlyinks that I won from Danni a few years ago. I colored her with Copics and added Stickles to her wings. I cut her with a Nestability and matted with blue, cut with another Nestability. I mounted the image panel on foam squares. The patterned paper is from a stack from Recollections and the sentiment is from Inkadinkado.

We'd love to have you join us this week!

Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope you'll come back and visit again soon!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Outta This World Birthday

Another "Card Parts" card for today. It was nice to have a little stamping time, and card parts make things a little quicker.

I've had this stamped background for quite a while. It came in a few boxes of "stuff" from a co-worker of my son. I'm pretty sure she was a Stampin' Up! demo, so I'm assuming the inks, paper and stamp were SU. As you can see, it's done with glossy cardstock. The image I used was from a Recollections set. I colored with a Distress marker and I added googlie eyes and some sparkle. I also added some doodling around the edges. The matting was done with a Nestability. I printed the sentiment on my computer, matted with black, and mounted on foam squares.

Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope you'll come back and visit again soon!

Monday, September 3, 2012

True Thyme Birthday

This embossed background was in my Card Parts box, so I decided to finally use it. I'm not positive, but I believe it was Stampin' Up! True Thyme ink that I used to brayer on the Cuttlebug folder before I embossed with it. I matted it with True Thyme. The sentiment is from a Stampendous set. It's matted with True Thyme and mounted on foam squares. The leafy pieces were punched with an EK Success punch. That's all there is to it!

Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope you'll come back and visit again soon!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Christmas Sunday

Two more cards for my Christmas card stash! I'm keeping on schedule, I think. 

Both of these cards are made with stamps from a Paper Inspirations set. It includes six images and six sentiments. I used Kraft and Riding Hood Red for both, and an ivory card base. I did all the stamping with Versamagic Vintage Sepia ink. I colored both images with Copics. I added a little glaze to the berries and gems to dot the i's. I embossed a frame on this one with a Nestability.
I did a little hand-doodling around the image on this one. I mounted the matted image on foam squares. 

I am linking them up to the Christmas Card Challenge blog.

Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope you'll come back and visit again soon!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

September Calendar Page

Oh my gosh - it's September today! Unbelievable! Here is my September calendar page. If you are interested in my Excel file for printing your own blank pages, you can find the files in the link beneath my blog title.

I used an Inkadinkado stamp and Kaliedacolor ink for the leaves and scored along the top and bottom. I punched the border on some textured kraft-colored paper with a Fiskars punch for the matting. 

Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope you'll come back and visit again soon!