
Sunday, October 24, 2010

More Technique Tuesday ... and OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!

I already had this post ready to go, but I had to add something!  I am in total shock as I write this.  (It's 1:00 a.m. and we just got home a little while ago from playing cards with some friends.)  Check out this link.  Little ol' me is the Featured Stamper on SplitCoastStampers!  (Thanks so much for watching for me on IM and letting me know, Harriet!)  What a huge surprise and a huge honor, as well.  OK.  Back to my "regularly scheduled post."

Another Technique Tuesday card. I still have two more after this one to share:)

The stamps on this card are from the Growing Wild set. I used Stampin' Up! markers to color the stamps before stamping. The matting is Old Olive and the patterned paper is from Die Cuts With a View Linen Closet. The embossing was done with a Cuttlebug border folder. I sponged around the edges with Old Olive and used my trusty Scor-Pal.

Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope you'll come back and visit again soon!


  1. Doing the HAPPY DANCE for you, Lynette, over here on Pines Way! Congratulations on being chosen a featured stamper! Your work is always so lovely and you are so creative! This is such a well-deserved honor. Sending you big hugs!


  2. congrats to you! I agree, well deserved. You are off to great places as Dr. Seuss would say :)

  3. Great card Lynette - love your style!

  4. A fellow OLW person - Love your CAS style - congrats on winning FS~! Your gallery is awesome and I have become a email follower (I LOVE this feature!!!) Off to check out your gallery some more and play~~

  5. WooHoo Lynette!! I think I am almost as excited as YOU are!! haha Your work is so beautiful, and you are very deserving of this honor! What a fun special week for you!! Congrats again!!!

  6. Congratulations, Lynette

    Can you please tell me how you get your embossing so "deep"? What kind of paper do you use? Mine never come out so well.

    Thanks, Barb

  7. Beautiful card, Lynette and congrats again on the Featured Stamper honor! Very well-deserved! Enjoy!

  8. Well, that's just awesome, Lynette! Ummmm... but, you're the only one who's surprised here, 'cuz we already know how CASEworthy you are. Love this pretty card and its wonderful CAS layout!

  9. Oh wow! That IS exciting, Lynette! Congratulations! Well deserved! :)

    Your card is gorgeous! I love the embossed scroll along the bottom!


I appreciate that you have taken the time to visit my blog, and I'm happy that you have decided to leave me a comment. It truly means a lot to me! Have a wonderful day.