
Friday, November 5, 2010

No Card - Just a Tiny Piece of Blog Candy

I have no card to share today.  I actually did make a couple quick ones on Wednesday, and I'll probably share them with you later.

I am thrilled to say that my calendars are done for next year.  Yahoo!!  I made twelve of them, but I don't have a home for all of them.  So ... in honor of a couple blogging milestones, I'm going to give one away to a blog reader.  I will top 150,000 blog views  very soon, and I hit (and even passed) 250 subscribers and followers.  I am totally amazed and blown away by that.  Who'd've ever thunk it!  I thank you all very much for that. 

I have thought about blog candy many times, and have never followed through with my thoughts.  But this time, I hope someone might want to win one of my calendars.  All I'm asking is that you leave me a comment.  I'd love it if you'd say where you're from, but even that is not necessary.  Any comment will do - I'd just like to get to "know" you better! :)  I'll pick a random winner on ... how about Tuesday.  That is our 36th wedding anniversary!  So, you have until midnight Tuesday, November 9th to leave a comment on this post.  I'll announce the winner on Wednesday.

Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope you'll come back and visit again soon!


  1. I would like to say HAPPY ANNIVERSARY on Tuesday and I admire you're and so happy that you share with us. I am looking forward t seeing the calendar and hope that I might be lucky enough to win.javascript:void(0)

  2. Happy 36th Anniversary from Tennessee! I would love to win one of your calendars! Hope you have a wonderful day! Thanks for being so generous and for the chance to win!

  3. Happy Anniversary! You know how much I love your cards. Thank you for sharing your talent with us.

    Nancy Cloud

  4. Congrats on the milestone!
    Since I've been here, I've enjoyed seeing your cards. As someone who loves to work on scrapbooks, I treated myself to a Cricut machine & I've been giving thought to making cards. I should really get that going...

    Well, enjoy!
    And good luck to whoever wins the calendar!

  5. Congrats on both the milestones.

    Your work is great and very inspirational. TFS.

    Nancy S

  6. Happy Anniversary, Lynn. I get so much pleasure looking at your lovely creations every day. Thank you for sharing them...Greetings from Brittany, France.


  7. Congrats on the milestones! Both with the blog and your marriage. Great accomplishments!

    My name is Jackie and i'm from a small town just outside Kansas City. I have a vacation day today and I will be stamping up two boxes of Christmas cards for a few friends who are having b-days this weekend. it's gonna be a breat day!

  8. Love your creativity! I'm a fellow, Minnesotain and aren't those sunsets and sunrises wonderful!

  9. Congratulations..I am so happy that you started a blog and that I am lucky enough to call you a bloggin friend. I am sending warm wishes from sunny cold North Carolina where the skies are a beautiful blue and the southern charm warms your heart.

  10. Hi Lynette....Happy Anniversary on Tuesday!!!!

    I look forward to seeing your cards each day. Can't wait to see your calendars!!

    We'll be celebrating our 42nd next month. My how time flies :-)


  11. I love your blog and visit every day. Your style of papercrafting is exactly what I prefer to see in cards and to make myself. Congratulations on reaching your milestones - in life and in bloglife!

  12. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary. Thanks for the chance to win one of your awesome calendars and for all that you share on your blog. Glenda/AZ

  13. Love that clicking on you little slideshow takes you to the whole many lovely cards. Like your use of the cuttlebug and metal. Inspires me to get out my bug and do something ! Happy to be following your blog, always something nice to see. Congrats on your blog and your anniversary. Have days full of joy !

  14. Congrats on reaching these milestones!! I love your blog, and have many happy hours looking at your creations. Hope I'm the lucky one!

  15. That is so wonderful that you will celebrate your 36th anniversary next week. Happy, happy anniversary and MANY more!!!! I'm in Colorado and enjoy checking in to see your cards each day. Congrats on your blog milestones, too. They are quite impressive!! Thanks for a chance to win a calendar. That's so cool to give something that you made!!

  16. I am a follower from BC, Canada. I would love to win one of your calendars. Your work is awesome.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  17. Happy Blog Anniversary and Wedding Anniversary from Kansas City, MO. I love you Clean and Simple cards that you create, they are all so pretty, tfs!
    imacrafty1 at sbcglobal dot com

  18. Lynette,
    Have a very Happy Anniversary! Your blog has been an the best thing I have found in a long time. Your cards are AWESOME! You have helped me so much in the past and I want to thank you for all your time and effort. Keep up the great work!
    Central Florida!

  19. Happy Anniversary. I am from Berlin Germany and this is my first time on your blog. I still hope I can win.

  20. Hello from Australia. Happy Happy Anniversary. I just love your site and what you do with your cuttlebug. Great inspiration and have passed on your site to all my crafty friends.Keep up the great work and I will be checking in daily to see more of your your creations. Have a Merry Christmas. From Ina in Oz.

  21. Lynette, Happy Anniversary to you and your husband. I came to your site a few months ago and really enjoy your cards. You have such a clean and simple style that I really enjoy. I started a blog to post my cards but I am not as aggressive in my card making as of yet. I am so busy trying to redo my mothers scrapbook which is from 1948. The pages were crumbling in my hands as I was trying to remover the pictures and memorabilia. I am trying to get it done before Nov 20th because I would like to share it with my siblings at Thanksgiving. I grew up in a small town north of Pittsburgh, Pa called Beaver and I now live in St.Louis,MO Thanks for posting on your blog, I look forward to all the posts.

  22. Happy 36th wedding anniversary- hope you have a chance to go out to eat and have a special evening (or weekend!) together. How generous of you to give us a chance to win. Love your style and have cased many of your cards.
    Gloria in the heart of Amish country in Ohio.

  23. Well Happy happy Anniversary! I always enjoy reading your blog and seeing all of the wonderful techniques that you use to make your cards so special! Thanks so much for the chance to win, I would absolutely adore having one of your calendars! =)

    Oh and PS - I'm from Pittsburgh, home of the Steelers! =)

  24. Happy Anniversary! Thank you for your blog! I love reading it everyday. I get inspired and inspiration from you everyday. I am anxious to see your calendar.

  25. Hi Lynette! Happy Anniversary!! (a little early)... Hope you have some special plans. I've been trying to be better about checking blogs, and I'm glad for a chance to win one of your beautiful calendars!

  26. Happy Anniversary, that alone is a milestone. I just discovered your web site. I love your simple sytle. That seems to be the way I work. I'm from Missouri, have been crafting for a while now and would love to own one of your creations. I will proudly display it. Thanks for the chance to win.

    mylenew at gmail dot com

  27. Happy 36th Anniversary, Lynette and Jim, on Tuesday!
    Your calendars are so very cool. How sweet of you to offer one as blog candy! :D Hugs, Suzie

  28. I've just recently found your blog and am so impressed with your talent. Hope I'm not too late for the chance of winning one of your blog candies! Thanks for aharing your art world.
    Cathy in Az

  29. Happy Anniversary...36 years is a long time...I'll have my 50th next year, lol! Am planning a long-awaited trip to Graceland in Memphis...can't wait I'm so excited! I am in N.C. and have been making cards for 3 years and am totally addicted. Thanks for the chance to win one of your calendars!!!

  30. OOOOOO, woulda come and washed those windows for you for one of your calendars :) Next year, perhaps? Happy Anniversary, and Happy 150K Blog hits!

  31. Congratulations on your 36th anniversary and on 150,000 hits to your blog, Lynette!

    Your knack for elegant simplicity drew me to your site and it always a pleasure to see your new creations.

    Thanks for sharing with us.


  32. Love your creations. Although I make cards, I see a few on your blog that I am going to HAVE to purchase.
    I can understand why you have had so many visitors to your site.

    Faith in Florida

  33. Back to say - love your cards - and admire how regularly you create - note to self - strive to make a card every day


I appreciate that you have taken the time to visit my blog, and I'm happy that you have decided to leave me a comment. It truly means a lot to me! Have a wonderful day.