
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

What's Been Going On With Us - Just a Little Chit-Chat

I have no card to share today, but I thought I'd just briefly share what's been going on in my life.

The weekend before last we went camping with friends. We go every year at this time. I'd love to camp more, but there just doesn't seem to be time. We still tent camp, and I'm very happy with that. How about a picture of our "home" for the weekend.

It was actually pretty chilly the first night, but a beautiful sunny weekend without a drop of rain. Unheard of with camping with this group!

Thursday we made an offer on a townhouse and it was accepted by the sellers on Thursday night. However, it's a short sale, so now it's in the banks' (two mortgages) hands and we won't find out if they accept it for several months yet. We're trying not to get too excited since it's not a for-sure thing, but we're keeping our fingers crossed. It's really everything we've dreamed of and more. (We haven't had huge dreams - just things like a whirlpool and room for guests, etc.) When/if the offer is accepted by the bank, we will have thirty days until we close. We'll list our house at that time and hopefully it will sell FAST!!

Saturday morning on our walk, we noticed at the end of someone's driveway were two teak bookcases with a "FREE" sign on them. My stamping table (our old dining room table) is teak and I will need shelves for my new stamping room - assuming we get the new house. So, after our walk, we hooked up the trailer and went to pick them up. Sunday, after doing lots of other work, I unloaded my old shelves, put one of the new ones in my stamping area, and got it organized. The second one will not fit very well in my current space, so it will stay in the laundry room or shed until we move. Here is what it looks like:
Today is our daughter's 37th birthday. Amazing! She and her family will be here for a visit soon - arriving on Friday. That will be great. Our grandson, Andrew, will be four in a couple weeks, too. Time sure flies!

Plus, I still babysit our grandson, Owen, every day. How lucky can I be! He is such a sweetie and so good and so smart. Gee, could I possibly be a grandma speaking! LOL!

I did take some time for stamping yesterday, though. I finished up my 2013 calendar for July. The pieces had all been prepared quite a long time ago and I finally got them all glued together. I also worked on the August page, and got that almost finished up, too. Then I'll get September done and I'll be caught up on them. Hopefully, I'll work ahead and get them finished up by maybe the end of October.

Anyone still reading this far??? :) I have cards ready to share with you for at least a few days coming up. Thanks so much for sticking with me.

Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope you'll come back and visit again soon!


  1. Hi stranger! I didn't know you were thinking about moving. (guess I would of known if I'd visit the group more) Congrats. I hope all goes as you hope! Hugs my friend! tt

  2. Read your blog to the end!!! Been wanting to ask you if you had found a house! Hope it works out for you. What a great F-R-E-E shelf!!! Happy for you.

  3. Hey, I would camp in a tent if we had a cool bed like that. No more sleeping on the ground for me.

    Great job finding those shelf units!!!

  4. How exciting Lynette!! I hope everything goes smoothly and quickly! Nice find on the bookshelves! Fun camping weekend too.

  5. Isn't it great when you find a FREE bargain???? One of my shelves was free too from a friend.


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