
Monday, November 5, 2012

"From Owen to Mommy" and an Announcement of Sorts

Owen (my almost two-year old grandson) helped me make this card for his mom:) He likes playing with my stamping stuff and inking up stamps and pounding with them. He dug out this stamp and I asked if he wanted to make a card for his mom, whose birthday is next month. He happily agreed.

I'm not sure who made the stamps. They were part of a large box I purchased from someone. Owen chose the colors and we paper-pieced the cupcake and stamped the sentiment, which Owen also picked out. I like the way it turned out, and might just make a couple more!

My "sort-of" announcement is this: I'm going to continue blogging, however I'm going to be cutting back. I still love creating cards and I still love sharing them. After all, that's why I started the blog - to share what I create. However, I was finding out more and more that I was creating cards JUST for the blog. I was watching my subscribers and followers grow and hoping for more and was disappointed when they unsubscribed. (I had someone unsubscribe because I had "too many posts!") I was SO close to 400 and that was my goal. Silly me:) But, I'm going to create cards when I need them - for the Flutter By Wednesday challenge and for my friends and family. I will blog when I have cards to share. I will enjoy having more "free" time. We will (hopefully!) be moving in a few months and we'll have LOTS of stuff to go through, so I'll need time for that, too. I'll keep you posted on that, too. Like I said, I'm certainly NOT going to quit stamping. If we get the house we're hoping to, I will have my own stamping ROOM and not just a section of the family room!

Thanks for "listening."

Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope you'll come back and visit again soon!


  1. Hi Lynette,
    Will miss your daily posts and cards but do understand -will continue to follow and enjoy all you make!

  2. I look forward to your posts, and tho I don't always comment, I love every one of them, glad you will continue, even if less.
    I think Owens mommy will really like the card he helped create for her!

  3. I very much enjoy and look forward to your posts, Lynette. Please don't stop! Good luck with your upcoming move, and hope you get the house of your dreams! Oooh...I'd love a room of my own...sigh. Hugs!

  4. Concerting your announcement... first of all you deserve as much free time as you want, so how many blog posts you put out should be entirely your choice and of course, how many cards you make and the reason you make them should also be your choice. Please don't cut back just because someone who unsubscribed said you had too many posts. They had the freedom to unsub but those of us who love looking at cards will gladly receive all the posts you want to send! I've considered starting a blog just to force myself to make more cards! LOL!! So, I understand your comment about making cards just for the blog. I subscribe to quite a lot of blogs and some of them post every day or close to it and some only post every now and then. It's not my place as a subscriber to get upset either way... it's their blog. So, please take complaints with a grain of salt and don't let them bother you.

  5. I read your blog through Google Reader so I don't think it shows up in your subscriber count. Lots and Lots of people use Google Reader so don't be discouraged. Lynnette

  6. How in the world did I miss that you were moving. I hope you get the house that you want too. Will you be moving out of state?

    love your card lynette it is so pretty. I can relate to your making cards just to make them and blog them. That was one of the 2 reasons why I stopped stamping all together.Even if I am able to get my neck better I will not be making cards to post. Too much work and time. I have other passions now and and would rather stay with them while I still can. :) I blog only about every other week now and I am happy with that.

    I hope that you will post about your new home.And other happenings.


  7. Though i have never commented your blog entries popping into my inbox are a highlight of my day. I love your card style and your blog is "my go to" for inspiration.
    I understand that sometimes as much as I love to make cards, it can also feel like a "have to situation" rather than I just feel like doing it right now.

  8. What a joy to stamp with Owen! I bet he was so excited to make a card for Mommy! And THAT is what stamping is all should never be a HAVE TO takes all the fun out of it. So I say, EXCELLENT decision! We will enjoy your creations whenever you do post them....and know you loved making that card!

  9. What a sweet card Owen helped make for his Mommy! I totally understand your cardmaking dilemma! Take all the time you need and just share when you have time. I'll be watching for your posts! Good luck with the moving as well!

  10. Wonderful card!

    And I think we all get caught up in the creating to blog syndrome from time to time...good for you for realizing it and getting back to the real reason you craft!! Hugs!!

  11. What a sweet card! It's such fun creating with the little ones! He will be so proud to give it to his Mom! Good luck with your move!!

  12. Lynette, as much as I look forward to your blog, you should only be doing it if it gives you joy and fulfilment. I will continue to look forward your posts no matter how often they are.
    The card you & Owen created for is Mom is just perfectly adorable.

  13. Oh I can so relate, Lynette. I have struggled many times over the years on how much to post or creating just to post. I'm trying to get back to blog basics myself while I finish moving from my mom's. It's been over 3 years and it's finally time to get that burden off of me!

    I hope you get the house you want! Good luck!!

  14. The card you and Owen made is lovely - it must be such fun stamping with the little lad!

    As for posting less often, that's entirely up to you. I don't comment on every post (or even visit you for every post) but that's my problem, not yours - I would never presume to complain to anybody about the frequency or otherwise of their posts! I think that's outrageous and totally out of order. Your blog is your own personal space and yours to do with as you like - and I always feel privileged to read what people choose to share with the world, and have had so much joy in blogland!

    Sometimes one needs a change of emphasis, and a move is certainly going to give you that. I am delighted to hear that you are going to have more space for your activities! I hope the move goes really smoothly with no hitches, and that you are very happy in your new home.

    Thanks for your visit and I'm glad you liked the "sproglet" pics lol! I have to admit to changing just a tiny bit since those days lol lol! It's been such fun going through all the old photos and scanning them into the computer.

    Do continue to enjoy your blog, Lynette, and post as often as you choose, and don't let other people's remarks put you off! You do a great job.

    I hope you are encouraged by all the lovely comments you've had in response to this post! Youu deserve it.



I appreciate that you have taken the time to visit my blog, and I'm happy that you have decided to leave me a comment. It truly means a lot to me! Have a wonderful day.