
Friday, December 21, 2012

An Apology, a Thank You, and Some Exciting News

First of all, I'm very sorry to say that I missed some comments on my Calendar Give-Away post:( I had been getting SO many spam comments and had tried "fixing" that. I played around with Word Verification, but I know what a pain that is. What I THOUGHT I had done was to turn off Word Verification and add Comment Moderation to posts older than 14 days. Evidently, I hadn't turned off Word Verification and I had added Comment Moderation to posts over 7 days. I also assumed that I would be notified if I had comments awaiting moderation. Mistake! Last night I discovered by accident that I had nine comments awaiting moderation. Some of them were from the calendar post and so they weren't entered into the drawing. Since I have already chosen the winner and sent off the calendar, there is nothing I can do about it now. Again, I'm so sorry.

I wanted to thank you for your prayers for my mother-in-law. She is still in the nursing home, but she is doing much better. She hasn't been having any "bouts" of confusion and seems to be settling into a routine. We are still hoping she could move back into her home, but if not, at least we're hoping she will be happy in her new surroundings.

I finished up the last of the packing in my stamping area yesterday. What a task, as many of you can imagine! I didn't do a lot of weeding out, but I also think there isn't much that I want to get rid of! When I unpack it and organize it in my new stamping room, there are a few items that may need to find new homes, though. We will be able to start moving some things into the new house next week - we will be closing on it on Thursday at about noon.

Now - the exciting news. We are going to be grandparents again at the end of May! Our daughter and son-in-law in Chicago will be presenting us with a new grandson or granddaughter. They will be finding out if it's a girl or boy about the middle of January. Very cool - can't wait!

I think that about catches you up with what's going on around here. Our daughter and family will be arriving from Chicago this evening. We have plans for every day for about a week, I think! It's all fun, though. That being said, I will appreciate life being "calm" again - whenever that may happen. :)

Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope you'll come back and visit again soon!


  1. Congratulations! So happy for you! Enjoy your Christmas blessings of family and friends, and no worries about comments.... we don't come here for prizes - we come because we love the inspiration and friendship you provide! Hugs....

  2. I would not like to have to pack up all of my stamping items! So I really feel for what you are doing.

    So happy for you getting to welcome a new grandchild in May. The little ones add so much fun to the family!

  3. LYNETTE, you have so many blessings coming your way. My wish for you and yours is to have a Beautiful Christmas and the best of New Years. Enjoy and hope to hear from you soon.
    With Love Judi

  4. Congrats on the upcoming grandchild! How exciting!!

  5. Lynette, congrats on the news of the newest bundle to arrive. How exciting.
    Oh,I have been seeing so much spam messages in the comment area of design team members lately. What is going on???? Ugh, someone always has to spoil a good thing.
    Hope all goes well with your move and the weather co-operates.
    Merry Christmas.

  6. Exciting news, Lynette! I've never been a grandma, but my friends find it pretty awesome and each new grandchild is like a very special gift. Congratulations! I'm glad to hear your mother-in-law is doing better. Life is tough and wonderful at the same time.


I appreciate that you have taken the time to visit my blog, and I'm happy that you have decided to leave me a comment. It truly means a lot to me! Have a wonderful day.