
Saturday, December 29, 2012

How I Spent My Birthday

Yesterday was my birthday. (Next year I hit the big 6 - 0!) Per tradition, I am posting a picture of my wonderful cards. I know that there are a couple more on their way, but I'm not going to wait for them. :) Such beauties I received! If one of them is from you, I thank you very much!!

On my birthday, I get to do whatever I want. I don't usually have a "plan" - just go with the flow.  This is what ended up happening. I guess first I need to talk a little bit about Thursday. We closed on our new home at 12:30. We stopped over there afterwards and dropped off some bar stools that we had purchased for the new bar. That afternoon, we took down all the Christmas decorations and boxed them up. Rather than putting them away in our current home, we brought them to the new house. Quite clever, I think! LOL! I mopped the kitchen floor and we did some miscellaneous things. So, back to yesterday. We loaded up the car with the rest of the Christmas things and lots of my stamping boxes. We stopped at McDonald's for breakfast and little bit of Words With Friends on our Kindle Fires. Then we headed over to the new house. We got everything into the house. We had to cut off the bottom of a door that was scraping on the hardwood floor, then clean up all the sawdust. Jim worked on some minor plumbing leaks and light bulbs, etc. I had a lot of birthday phone calls, but still managed to get some things done. We left the house and stopped at a city facility where we could do a little walking, then stopped at Home Depot for a few things. Got cleaned up and went to Red Lobster for dinner. Then back to our current home to load up the car again with more stamping boxes. (I have most everything over there now except for the big things - table, chairs, shelves and a couple rolling carts.) Jim did his repair work, and I vacuumed A LOT! Anyone that knows me, knows that I hate to clean! So, to spend my birthday CLEANING is totally unbelievable! I vacuumed the entire lower level (a bedroom, stamping room and a big family room) plus the bedroom on the main level. I was really tired of doing that, so I left the rest for another day. Then I cleaned in the kitchen - the interiors of the cupboards and the countertop. I didn't think I had a lot of cupboards, but I guess I do. I realized that after cleaning them! I was hoping to get the fridge done, too, but that is also waiting for me. We called it quits about 9:45 p.m. and headed home. I opened my cards, did some catching up on the computer and then went to bed. And that's pretty much how I spent my birthday:) It was a great day! (We had already celebrated on Tuesday night when our daughter and family were still here from Chicago.)

Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope you'll come back and visit again soon!


  1. Glad you had a good birthday!! How exciting to be getting the new house ready to move into....can't wait to see pictures!

  2. Happy birthday Lynette - so exciting to be moving into a new house - am sure you will enjoy it when the move is behind you!
    birthday hugs

  3. Sounds to be like you "need" another birthday to do what you want! But I know it was exciting moving into your new home!!

  4. Happy Belated Birthday Lynette. Your cards look lovely. You certainly have lots of good friends.

    I am so excited for you moving into your new home. It sounds like your excited to move in. Congratualtions again Lynette.


  5. Awesome blog and happy belated birthday!

    Check out my blog

  6. A very happy belated birthday, Lynette! Love your display of cards. I am 60 next year too! Terrifiying thought, isn't it... Hope the house move goes really smoothly - it was a shame to have to vacuum on your birthday though! We will be moving in the next 18 months and will hopefully be able to do it in stages, too, which should help a lot. It's going to be a totally exhausting procedure, however we do it, though.

    Thanks for your lovely comment - so glad you like my first tangle pattern! I have just edited it somewhat, and it will now hopefully be acceptable for the Tangle Patterns site, which should get me some visitors via their link. Here's hoping, anyway!

    Happy new year,

  7. A Belated Happy Birthday to you Lynette.
    I was on the 12th and will also have my big 60 next year.

    Wow you have been busy over the Christmas break , but how fabulous a New Home .
    I wish you and your family a Happy New Year and lots of happiness and Good Luck in Your New Home.


I appreciate that you have taken the time to visit my blog, and I'm happy that you have decided to leave me a comment. It truly means a lot to me! Have a wonderful day.