
Friday, December 14, 2012


Whew - I'm done with my jury duty. That is really emotionally and physically draining! It was my first time ever and I hope it's my last. I know I won't be called for at least four years, anyway.

That also put everything around here on hold. We're ready to start up again, though. Hopefully we will finish shopping very soon! At least today is my husband's last day of work until the new year. And, hopefully, we'll get to start REALLY packing up and weeding out. We will be closing on our new house in less than two weeks. Amazing!

One more thing - I will be choosing the winner of my calendar after tomorrow. It may actually end up being on Sunday, since we have plans for Saturday night. Please visit this post if you are interested in having a chance to receive a calendar.

I hope all of you are doing well and getting a chance to relax and enjoy this holiday season.

Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope you'll come back and visit again soon!


  1. Glad that's over for you!

  2. What a lot you've got going on just before Christmas, Lynette! Well done getting the jury service over and done with. I hope it wasn't too dreadful... It's not something I would relish doing! And moving house, too... We've got 2 couples interested in buying Mum's house but no progress can be made until they find buyers for their houses. I don't know about the US, but here in the UK the housing market is so slow, it's practically stationary. We were hoping to have got Mum moved back in the spring! Hope your move goes well.


  3. Congratulations on your new home closing Lynette. How very exciting for you. I hope you will share some photos once your all settled in. :) I have never been called for jury duty. I hope I never will be.

    I hope that you get some time to relax as well. It sounds as if you have been very busy. Stay warm.



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