
Monday, January 21, 2013

Little Update and a Prayer Request

I thought since I don't have another card to share yet, I'd update you on how we're doing. :)

We have our current house almost ready to put on the market. I have just a couple more things to clean and then the inside will be ready. We got the dining room painted (It used to have a wall paper border) and all the "clutter" has been moved out. Jim has insisted on completing his project of finishing the garage. We started it many years ago and quit when we reached a more complicated stage. He could never quite figure out what he wanted to do. Now that "crunch time" had arrived, he just went for it! We were working on it til after midnight on Saturday night, but it's almost done. We still have some trim pieces to put up, and then of course, clean up the mess. So, the end is in sight! Our plan was to list the house on Thursday, but I think we'll shoot for next week instead. Wish us luck! I'll try to share some pictures soon.

The painter at our new house has been very busy. He has the main living areas finished. He needs to put a second coat on the master bedroom. He also has yet to do the master bath and the lower level. Maybe he'll finish up this week. That would be awesome! We have some things in the garage that I'm eager to get moved into the house.

And now, the prayer request. My mom was diagnosed with Merkel Cell Carcinoma last week. It's a very rare and aggressive form of skin cancer. It can be treatable if caught soon enough. Our prayer is that it can all be removed and she can be cancer-free. She will be having surgery on January 29. I will be going down to go with her and my dad to her appointments today and tomorrow. My sister and brother will be coming up from Atlanta to be with them during her surgery. Thanks in advance for your prayers!

Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope you'll come back and visit again soon!


  1. Love and prayers for your mother. Praying for wisdom for the doctors!

  2. Oh Lynette so sorry to hear about your Mom. Of course prayers for her as well as all your family as they rally to support her.

  3. I think I need a nap after reading all of the work you and Jim have been doing. LOL I'm sure you'll be glad when it is all finished. Prayers are certainly being said for your mother!!!

  4. LYNETTE, so sorry to hear about your MOM. my love and prayers are with you all.
    I hope all goes well with your old house and your new house.
    With LOVE Judi

  5. Sending prayers for your mom and your family!

  6. Thoughts and prayers are being sent to your mom and all the family.

  7. I am so sorry to hear about your Mom Lynette. I hope that all can be removed and that she will be just fine. I will be saying prayers for her for sure. Try not to stress too much.


  8. I'm sorry to hear about your Mom, Lynette. I do hope it was caught soon enough for her to kick it completely.


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