
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Flutter By Wednesday #226

I'm sorry - I forgot to do this post yesterday. There is a new challenge on the Flutter By Wednesday blog, and it's open! Just be sure to use a fairy or a butterfly and then link up to the post. We are sponsored by Stamp Fairy this week, and one lucky winner will be the recipient of a $10 gift certificate from them!

Well, we have everything moved from the old house to the new house - except for quite a bit from the garage. The movers came on Tuesday and finished us up. I spent a lot of the day at the old house yesterday, cleaning while we had someone install the radon mitigation system. We're getting there! There are sure a lot of boxes and other stuff sitting around our new house, but at least I have had today to work on them. I've also been working on our "mountain" of laundry, but that's almost done now, too. Whew! A few rooms are finished except for decorative details - like pictures on the walls. Other rooms (the kitchen!) are just a total disaster! I want to get everything out in the open so I know what I'm working with. I'm just about to that point. 

My mom saw her surgeon yesterday and had some staples removed. She goes again on Wednesday to have the rest of the staples and stitches removed. (She had about 26 of each, I guess.) She will go a week from Friday to the oncologist to see if she will need any radiation or chemo. Thanks for all of your prayers! (The surgeon is pretty sure he got removed all of the cancer.)

Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope you'll come back and visit again soon!


  1. Sounds like you are close to seeing some light at the end of your tunnels (both with your move and with your mom). You're in my thoughts and prayers - hope you are done soon, and can relax a bit. Hugs...

  2. I'm glad to hear your mum came through her surgery OK, Lynette. It's a worrying time, but hopefully they have got rid of it all, and any further treatment will put paid to the rest.

    So your move is now complete! The emptying of boxes will take time but now you are fully in, it won't really matter how long you take. I'm so glad you got your stamping room sorted first - after all it's a LOT more important than the kitchen lol lol!!!!

    Thanks for your good wishes for our own forthcoming move. I am trying to be really good (yes, I can be when I really try lol!) and disciplining myself to fill 2 boxes per day, whether I don't feel like filling any at all, or whether I feel I could fill 60 - that way the job will get done, without me getting too poorly! Legal stuff all going through, but Dad's confusion is now such that he is incapable of signing anything, and we are still waiting for the Powers of Attorney - any delay could hold everything up, which we don't want because there's a chain involved. Off to Mum's tomorrow with my sis and cousin, and we're all going to go through everything with Mum and decide who wants what, what should be sold, etc. Then Mum will go and stay with my sis till it's all over, the building work on the new house is completed, and she can move in with us!! I'm very excited by the whole prospect.


  3. Sounds like you're getting there! Bet you can't wait to finish and get back to normal. Carry on, Lynette! Have a good week.

  4. grandkids seem to grow like weeds!!!!- how are you settling into your new place?


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