
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Prayer Request

If anyone has any extra prayers, my family and I would appreciate them. My mom is in the hospital right now. They have found masses in her heart, brain and lungs. She had already had a couple biopsies on her lungs and the samples had come back with no sign of cancer. However, it is assumed to be cancer. She will begin radiation on her brain today. Other than than, the course of action will probably be to do nothing other than to make her as comfortable as possible. If you feel so inclined, would you please pray for her comfort and also guidance for us as we decide how to proceed. Thank you very much.

Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope you'll come back and visit again soon!


  1. Lynette sorry to hear this news about your mom - thinking about you and your mom!

  2. Dear Lynette, I am not only praying for your Mom, but I am sending your request for prayers for her to my Florida neighbor Susie Hellmann to add to her prayer list that is distributed to 1,500 people. My niece-in-law Mechelle age 47 in the Detroit area was diagnosed 2-1/2 yrs. ago with Stage 4 brain tumors, a mass in her lung, in her groin, and something on her liver. After extensive radiation she is in remission with what they call residual cancer. God bless!

  3. Sending my prayers to your Mom and family. Hugs!

  4. Lynette, you know I will be praying for your mother and for your family. I'm just so sorry for all of you that she is going through this.

  5. Sending prayers for the whole family.

  6. Absolutely! I am so sorry Lynette. I will be saying many prayers for your Mom, you and your family. Hugs to you.


  7. Keeping you ALL in my prayers Lynette..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  8. Prayers for comfort, strength and guidance for all of you Lynette!

  9. Saying prayers for your mom and your family! Sending lots of hugs too!!

  10. I'm so sorry to hear this, Lynette. It seems like not that long ago she was found to be cancer free. A very difficult time for all of you. I will hope for good results from her treatment.

  11. My prayers are going out and up now...hoping to hear better news about your Mom soon.

  12. Prayers for your mom. Thanks so much for sharing the calendar templates. Have a great day.


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