
Sunday, January 29, 2017

My Task

I finally started on the boxes and boxes of pictures, papers, and miscellaneous items from my mom and dad's house. What a task! So far, I've mostly worked on pictures, sorting them into several piles: for my siblings, cousins, to scan, etc. This is the easy - but time-consuming! - part. Figuring out what to do with really old scrapbooks and really old pictures and all the letters that my dad wrote to my grandma when he was in the army in World War II, when he was just eighteen - that will be hard. But, someone has to do it, and I'm the someone:) At least I got the boxes off of my treadmill, which is a good things, because we've stopped walking outside, and haven't been very faithful about going to the dome to walk. Wish me luck! :)

Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope you'll come back and visit again soon!


  1. I had that job too with my mother and father. I still have some. Most of them I scanned and saved on a thumb drive but now I'm faced with deciding whether to throw away the actual photo. Good luck!

  2. Thoughts are with you during this "job" - am still trying to decide what to do with said stuff!

  3. Those WW II letters might have some historical value. I love watching WW II documentaries. Very moving. I'm sure it depends on the content, but I would be loathe to discard those. Seriously. You have a huge task, Lynette. Good luck!

  4. I have done this. Sorted pictures and gave to the appropriate people. Old pics are being scrapbooked. I like the 12x12 binder type so I can add as I go. What I haven't gotten to scrapbook, are in photo boxes which I buy when they are sale for $1.66. I keep the letters either in a scrapbook or displayed in an old secretary in one of my bedrooms.
    I made a memory wreath using the costume jewelry my dad gave to my mom on their first anniversary. A bracelet with gold medals my dad won when he used to row on the Mississippi River; an old embroidery scissors from my mother-in-law; my dad's glasses and his driver's license renewal the year he died 1949; a miniature perfume bottle of Chanel #5 and a few more pieces. I treasure all these pictures and memorabilia. I feel close to my family members who are no longer with me. Be careful what you get rid of, you may wish for it later. Good luck with this daunting mission.

  5. this is a huge job, just as big as reorganizing a craft room! Bet you have to stop and pause to see some of the memories on that table!


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