
Monday, March 29, 2010

Amelia Danielle!

I'm sorry - I almost forgot to post this today!

Our granddaughter arrived at 1:40 this afternoon.  She weighed in at seven pounds ten ounces and was twenty inches long.  Her name (in case you couldn't guess from the title of my post! LOL!!) is Amelia Danielle.  My daughter does not want me to post a picture of her - sorry.  Mom and baby are both doing awesome!  She looks like her brother - who will be 18 months old on Friday.

Because I could not sleep and got up at 2:00 a.m., I was able to get five cards made today.  Most of them I can't post yet, though, since they are going to friends who read my blog.  But, I'll have something to post tomorrow or Wednesday.

Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope you'll come back and visit again soon!


  1. Congratulations to you and to all of your family. You must be thrilled having a brand new grand baby in your family. I love your granddaughters name it is lovely.


  2. Congratulations to your family on a new member to love! Amelia Danielle is a beautiful name. By the way... five cards! I admire you for that!

  3. Congrats Lynette - I love that beautiful name!! I bet you can't wait to hug and kiss that sweet little one!

  4. Congratulations on your family's sweet bundle of joy!

    -a friend.

  5. Congratulations to all the family, and best wishes for Amelia Danielle.

    Thank you for all the pleasure I get visiting your blog.

  6. That is so awesome.. I LOVE her name.. It is beautiful. Such a strong but feminine name.. Congratulations..

  7. Very pretty name, Lynette! I totally respect your daughter's feelings about not posting a picture. :)

  8. Congratulations to you and your family! Beautiful name and I'll bet she will have her grandma's flair for beautiful cards, too!

    Barb xoxo

  9. Congratulations on your new grandaughter!

  10. Many, many congatulations to you and your family.


  11. Oh congratulations -- what a wonderful event. I love that name!


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