
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Blog Candy

In celebration of finishing up my 2012 calendars, I would like to give one away to a blog reader. It feels so good to have them done - now I can get on with getting ready for Christmas!

If you would like to be entered into a random drawing to win one of my calendars, please just leave me a comment on this post. I will announce the winner on my blog on Saturday. I appreciate all your visits and your comments!

Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope you'll come back and visit again soon!


  1. I can't wait to see your calendars for 2012. It's always fun to see what you are going to post each day. Happy Holidays to you and your family. Kris M.

  2. Oh, not even a sneak peek????? I am so curious of what you have designed for 2012.
    I guess now you can sit back and enjoy the holidays, since the calendars are complete.

    Have a Merry Christmas and enjoy all the time with the grandchildren.

  3. It would be awesome to win one of your calendars. I get email updates for your blog and enjoy seeing what you create. I love your style.

  4. Just like Christmas, Do Not Open Until Dec 25 or in this case Jan 1. Fingers crossed, can't wait to see what you have come up with.

    seedstlc at distributel dot net

  5. I follow your blog everyday. I love love your cards.
    Every thing you do ia great. Would love to win.

    Nancy Cloud

  6. I never have time to make my own. Yours are always so special too. Great candy

  7. I'm very curious to see your calendars. Will you be posting photos?

  8. Lynette what a wonderful thing for you to do for those of us who follow you. You've inspired me to make a few calendar set's myself as gifts this year, not quite finished them yet. I'd be honored to receive one from you.

  9. Congats on finishing your calenders. mine are still in my minds eye...I love your projects, and the sharing you do for your followers. I would be honored to have one of your calenders. With Love Judi

  10. Thanks for your daily inspiration. I love your calendars!

  11. Thanks for the inspiration you provide thru your blog:)

  12. I really enjoy your blog and seeing all your great projects. Thanks for all you share and for the chance to win one of your wonderful calendars. GlendaJ

  13. You inspired me to make a few for gifts, this year. Hopefully, next year, I'll have more time and can put more thought into them....but I have to say they were fun to do.

    Would love to win one of yours since I am giving mine away.

    Thanks for all your inspiration each day!!!

  14. Thanks for inspiring me each day. Happy Holidays to you and your family. My best, Wendy

  15. do all the work and we get the candy! How sweet is that! I'm anxious to see your calendar pages too!

  16. Thanks for opportunity to win one of your calendars - how special would that be?

  17. Your calendars are adorable. It would great to win one.

  18. Always look forward to seeing your cards and your calendar last year and certainly will again this year. Thanks for your generosity in being willing to share one with your fans!!!

  19. I haven't been leaving comments lately, but I read every post to your blog. It would be a super treat to win one of your calendars!! I always enjoy seeing each page at the beginning of every month.

  20. I love all your past calendar pages. it would be such an honor to win one of the 2012 calendars.
    Have a Happy Holiday Season!!!

  21. I don't comment often, but I enjoy reading your blog, and seeing your cards. Thanks for a chance at winning one of your calendars.

  22. Oh how wonderful to be able to win one of your creative calendars! Add me to your list vieing for it yelling, me, ME, PICK ME LOL!


I appreciate that you have taken the time to visit my blog, and I'm happy that you have decided to leave me a comment. It truly means a lot to me! Have a wonderful day.