Since I've had a couple questions about my calendars lately, I thought I would do a post on them. I'm kind of running out of cards to post anyway, and I've got some busy times coming up starting today.
This is what my calendar looks like. It's in a "bent acrylic frame." They used to be readily available at Michael's and JoAnn's for less than $2.00. My calendar pages - and frame - are 3.5 x 5 inches. Michael's carries the acrylic frames, but not in that size. Amazon has them, but they are a lot more than $2. (They are $4.30.) I have also ordered them from Frame USA. (3.5 x 5 inch vertical frame.) Before I ordered from them, I checked on shipping. I store the rest of the months' pages behind, held in place with a rubber band. Hope this helps!
Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope you'll come back and visit again soon!
Thanks so much, Lynette!!! This is a great way to display the calendar pages if you can get the frames reasonably. Probably as good as it gets even with shipping charges. I did a little looking around online and saw them pretty reasonably priced, but the shipping more than doubled the price of each frame on the size order I would place. :( The price got better when you ordered a good sized batch of frames, so for those who can get several friends to go in together on an order they will fare better. But unfortunately I don't have any crafty friends that live nearby. :( Hmmm... now to come up with a display idea that can either be made or purchased locally for a reasonable price.
Oh, I see! I like this idea. I used to get those at the dollar store. Your calendar page looks very sharp in its frame!
Hi Lynette, In 2011 I won the "give-away" of your really NEAT 2012 Calender,
and I was hooked on making them. I made them for Christmas presents and everyone enjoyed them. To make a "short story" even longer, AND my point for writting to you, I found the Calender holders at Wal-Mart in the frame dept.
3.5" x 5" for $.97ea., I don't know the price now but it will be worth it to check it out.
Thank you again for your GREAT IDEA'S
With Love Judi
Hi Lynette,
I have just found your calendar pages and downloaded the set for 2017. I love what you have done with them. I shall have to have a look here in Australia to try to find the frames that you have used.
Thanks so much.
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