Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Easy Patterned Paper Cards

I was near a Michael's a few weeks ago and thought I'd stop in and see if there might be anything I'd be interested in. I found a matstack that had some very pretty patterns in. (I later got a $5 gift card from them and went to a different Michael's and found another one for $5, so that one was free! I'll have some of that to share eventually.)

Anyway, the first thing I did was go through and take out the sheets that had multiple patterned panels on them. I used a lot of them, set a few aside, and tossed some. Here are the cards I made with those panels. I made three of each of these cards. I used sentiments from various companies on them.

Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope you'll come back and visit again soon!


Cheryl W said...

Wow, you really went to town making cards! Sometimes I enjoy cutting apart those multi-panel sheets and using them as a starting point for cards. You did a great job with yours!

Wanda said...

SO pretty. I just can't go in that store anymore! I think I have enough stuff to start my own store!!! LOL That DSP is SO pretty. You did a great job making cards with it. I love your layouts too! I can see that you were having a lot of fun with your purchase!

Leslie Miller said...

Gosh, it is pretty paper and sometimes that's all you need. These made into great cards. I'm probably lucky we don't have a Michael's here. I started working with a paper pad a while back and got as far as 3 cards. I need to pick it up again.

Heartwarmers from Vicki said...

Pretty papers! You were able to make great cards using them!